I Don’t Even Have to Buy Kids Shoes ( Japan Week 9)

Japan Week9 Photo3

This week was really good. On Tuesday we did a bunch of OYM. We talked to 20 different people. We started talking to these two grandmas and one of them gave us some cupcakes!

People here are so nice to us.

We went to a park that is in the city to do the OYMing while everyone was on their lunch break. After we had planned to sit on a bench and eat lunch. About five minutes into sitting there we had so many bug bites. Ward shimai got 16! We just moved to another part of the park and it was all good.

Video is a view of the city.

The weather here has been so pretty this week. It only really rained hard once or twice. On Saturday morning it was dumping until we needed to leave. It was really awesome that we didn’t have to use our Kappas. When it rains here it is still hot, so when we put on our kappas we just feel all sticky haha and it isn’t even as hot as its going to get!

We had another lesson with our investigator who is getting baptized in August. She is doing so well. We have finished teaching her all of the lessons that she needs before baptism and filled out the paper work with her. Now we just have to wait till August. We would like to move up her date but she thinks it would be too fast, so we are just going to have to wait. She is so awesome, yesterday at church she started making friends with all the members.

On Friday after district meeting we went and ate Shabushabu. Its basically a pot of boiling liquid that sits on the table and you put meat and vegetables in it and it is really good.

Yesterday we had an appointment with the Stake president. They fed us dinner and then we had a lesson. They had us over for three and a half hours! It was so long, but they just wanted to keep talking to us. It was really fun.

This week we get to have interviews with Yamashita kaichou, so I am really excited for that.


Thompson shimai

Aubree and Ward Shimai

Aubree and Ward Shimai

Notes from Aubree

So on Friday we made homemade root beer. It was sooo good. They don’t drink that here! We had it at Eikaiwa and all the students thought it tasted like medicine. haha well the missionaries liked it.

Japan Week9 Photo2

I think I have everything I need right now 🙂 I made the chocolate chip cookies for our district meeting and all the Elders played rock paper scissors over the last one haha.

We have some food storage, and we just went shopping this morning. Also on fast Sunday the ward members give us a ton of food.

We are going to go eat Indo curry and then I am going to look for new shoes because the black ones need to be put out of commission. I’ll try to find a few pairs. My size is the smallest adult size here, so I don’t even have to buy kids shoes.

I am on the first memory cards still but I am taking lots of pictures and some video. I like the picture quality best (of the Cannon Camera). I carry the selfie one (Samsung Camera) with me every day just in case I find something cool to take a picture of( its smaller) but if I know I am going to take a picture I use the Canon.

My bike is doing perfectly well now.

I just emailed a few pictures to mommy that are from this festival that they have here. It is so that you are healthy in the summer.
Our church is just two blocks; we walk there most of the time.

Festival that focuses on being Healthy.

Festival that focuses on being Healthy.

Festival that focuses on being Healthy.

Festival that focuses on being Healthy.

Path of Storm

Path of Storm

Aubree’s dad emailed the Mission Home in Nagoya about the Storm that was headed their way, this is their reply.

Bro. Thompson,
The Tropical Storm so far in Nagoya has been just a minor “off and on” rain storm and is getting weaker as it moves to Shizuoka. But the missionaries were told to stay in their apartments today.

Hope this eases your concerns.

Categories: Baptism, Discussions, Latter-Day Saints, Mission Home Nagoya Japan, Preparation Day, Shizuoka Japan, Teaching | 1 Comment

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One thought on “I Don’t Even Have to Buy Kids Shoes ( Japan Week 9)

  1. I’m glad Aubree is safe! Hopefully doing service projects there will help spread the gospel.

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